Thursday, July 7, 2011

PowerPoint for Guidance Counselors

Great Ideas for Counselors

Check out this website for more information!

Benefits of Using Technology Within School Guidance Programs

          Technology has swept throughout the world at such a rapid pace, that it is nearly impossible to keep up with the changes. However, with all of its innovations that technology offers, it behooves school guidance counselors to at least stay abreast. The use of computers and other electronic media may be extremely useful in helping counselors to build strong partnerships between the school, the student, and the parent.
Struder and Allton (1996) suggest, “A guidance program can be enhanced only by informing the public about the indispensable counseling program and its integration into the educational process” (p.6). Email, websites, newsletters, and CD-ROMS are just a few ways that counselors can connect to a wider audience quickly. Besides offering important information to parents, such technological tools can be used in order to engage families and to encourage understanding of the counseling role.
At times, the counseling role finds itself enmeshed in negative perceptions or without the full support of administration and/or parents. Others are confused as to what school counselors actually do and what level of confidentiality they adhere to. Thus, a school guidance counselor may find it useful to get creative and use technology to his or her benefit (Walter, 2007). Each of these issues can be addressed, public information can be made readily available, and stronger relationships can be built.
Email is useful in contacting parents, administration, and other counselors. It provides a quick line of communication and is especially helpful when one is not reachable by telephone. The Internet is an extremely effective tool as it allows counselors to research issues, make contact with other professionals, and keep up with current trends and issues. Conversely, guidance counselors can use the Internet to set up their own web page. Information such as schedules, school programs, helpful numbers, and links to other resources can all be included within a school counselor’s website.
Effective communication is the key to building better relationships and helping more students. Today’s technology provides a plethora of tools to counselors and school administrations in reaching the most amount of people in the quickest amount of time.


Loague, A. M., Alexander, J. J., & Reynolds, G. P. (2010). The school counselor web page. Retrieved from

Sabella, R.  (2003). Using technology to promote your guidance and counseling program among stake holders. Professional School Counseling, 6(3), 206-213.   

Struder, J. & Allton, J. (1996). The professional school counselor: Supporting and understanding the role of the guidance program. NASSP Bulletin, 80(581), 53-60.

Walter, S. (2007). A school counseling program CD-ROM to foster family-middle school engagement. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 5(1).